Mes publications
Thèse de Doctorat & Habilitation à diriger des recherches
- [Thèse] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Etude des champs de Beltrami dans des domaines de R3 bornés et non-bornés et applications en Astrophysique, Thèse de Doctorat en mathématiques, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne université), Janvier 1999, Paris.
- [HDR] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Contribution à l’étude de certains problèmes en domaines non-bornés et aux équations de la ma- gnétohydrostatique et de la magnétohydrodynamique, Habilitation à diriger des recherches en mathématiques, Université de Versailles SQY, décembre 2007, Versailles.
Publications en préparation (liste non exhaustive)
(en cours de soumission ou de finalisation)
- [S] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, A. Kourta, N. Kerdid, On Navier-Stokes equations arising from the rotation of an obstacle in a fluid, (soumission en cours).
- [S] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Fourier transform and weighted Sobolev spaces (soumission en cours).
- [S] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, B. Khouider, A novel formulation of the equations of elasto-plasticity with hardening, (finalisation en cours).
- [S] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and K. Kaliche, A new approximation method for implicit solvation models (finalisation en cours).
- [S] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, B. Khouider, A new model for the drift of the sea ice, en cours préparation.
Publications parues
- [46] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, A simple formula of the magnetic potential and of the stray field energy induced by a given magnetization, arXiv:2302.02640 (2023), à paraître dans Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
- [45] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Stray field computation by inverted finite elements: a new method in micromagnetic simulations, arXiv:2301.10544v1 (2023), soumis à Advances in Computational Mathematics (en révision).
- [44] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and B. Khouider, A new mathematical formulation of the equations of perfect elasto-plasticity , Zeitschrift f\"ur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 73, 246 (2022).
- [43] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, L. Àlvarez, M. Colom and J.-M. Morel, Measure of the SARS-CoV-2 Daily Reproduction Number for all Countries,
Image Processing On Line, 10, pp. 191-210 (2020).
- [42] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, A discrete epidemic model and a zigzag strategy for curbing the Covid-19 outbreak and for lifting the lockdown, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol. 15 (2020) 75.
- [41] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Ph. Cieutat and A. Daniilidis , Gradient flows, second-order gradient systems and convexity, SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (2018), no. 3, 2049--2066.
- [40] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, and K. Kaliche, Inverted finite elements for div-curl systems in the whole space, Advances in Computational Mathematics 43, no. 6 (2017), pp. 1469--1489.
- [39] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, K. Kaliche and N. Kerdid, Explicit div-curl inequalities in bounded and unbounded domains of ${{\mathbb {R}}}^3$, Annali dell'universita' di Ferrara, Vol. 63, no. 2 (2017), pp. 249--276.
- [38] S. K. Bhowmik, R. Belbaki, T. Z. Boulmezaoud and S. Mziou, Solving two dimensional second order elliptic equations in exterior domains using the inverted finite elements method, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 72 (9), (2016), p. 2315-2333.
- [37] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, N. Kerdid, N. Arar and A. Kourta, Rational approximation of multi-dimensional elliptic problems in the whole space, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), 50 2 (2016), p. 311-336.
- [36] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and N. Kerdid , The spectrum of a weighted laplacian in the half-space, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Volume 39, I. 2 (2016), p. 165-339.
- [35] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, S. Mziou, B. Boudjedaa, M. Babatin , Inverted finite elements for degenerate and radial elliptic problems in unbounded domains,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 32 (2015), no. 1, 237-261.
- [34] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Boudjedaa and S. Mziou , Numerical approximation of second-order elliptic problems in unbounded domains, Journal of Scientific Computing 60 (2014), no. 2, 295-312.
- [33] N. Arar and T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Eigenfunctions of a weighted Laplace operator and approximation of elliptic problems in the whole space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 400, Issue 2, p. 305-750 (2013).
- [32] N. Abada, T. Z. Boulmezaoud and N. Kerdid , The Stokes flow around a rotating body in the whole space, Journal of the Japan Mathematical Society, Vol. 65, No. 2 (2013).
- [31] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Fourier transformation is an isometry on some weighted Sobolev spaces, Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliquées, 99 (2013), p. 489-508.
- [30] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and A. Kourta, Some identities on weighted Sobolev spaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Serie S, Volume 5, Issue 3, p. 427 - 434 (2012).
- [29] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, M. El Rhabi, H. Fenniri and E. Moreau, On convolutive Blind Source Separation in a noisy context and Total Variation regularization, Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2010.
- [28] {\sc T. Amari, C. Boulbe and T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Computing Beltrami Fields, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2009 ; 31(5) :3217-3254.
- [27] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and M. Medjden, Weighted $L^p$-theory for the Stokes and the Bilaplacian operators in the half-space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 342, Issue 1, p. 220-245 (2008).
- [26] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and J. M. Urquiza, On The Eigenvalues of the Spectral Second Order Differentiation Operator and Application to the Boundary Observability of the Wave Equation, Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 31, No. 3, 307--345 (2007).
- [25] C. Boulbe, T. Z. Boulmezaoud and T. Amari, An iterative method for solving non-linear hydromagnetic equations, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, Springer, 971--925 (2006).
- [24] T. Amari, T. Z. Boulmezaoud et J. J. Aly, Well posed reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 446, 691-705 (2006).
- [23] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and U. Razafison, On the steady Oseen problem in the whole space, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, November (2005).
- [22] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Inverted Finite Elements: a new method
for solving elliptic problems in unbounded domains, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 39 No. 1, p. 109-146 (2005).
- [21] T. Z. Boulmezaoud et M. Medjden, Vorticity-Vector potential formulations of the Stokes problem in the half-space, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 28:903--915 (2005).
- [20] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and M. El Rhabi, A mortar spectral element method for 3D Maxwell's equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 25(3):577-610 (2005).
- [19] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, On the invariance of weighted Sobolev spaces by Fourier transform, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, série I, 339 (12), p. 861-866 (2004).
- [18] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and M. El Rhabi, On time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in Lipschitz and Multiply-connected domains of ${\mathbb R}^3$, Monogr. Semin. Mat. Garcìa Galdeano, 27, 127--134 (2003).
- [17] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, On the Laplace operator and on the vector potential problems in the half-space: an approach using weighted Sobolev spaces, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 26:633--669 (2003).
- [16] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, On the Stokes system and on the biharmonic equation in the half-space. An approach via weighted Sobolev spaces, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 25:373--398 (2002).
- [15] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Amari, A Finite Element Method for computing non-linear force-free fields, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 34 (2001), 903--920 (2001).
- [14] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Problèmes de Potentiels vecteurs dans le demi-espace de $R^3$, C.R.A.S. Serie I, Vol. 332 No. 8, p. 711-716 (2001).
- [13] T. Z. Boulmezaoud and T. Amari, On the existence of non-linear force-free fields in three-dimensional multiply-connected domains, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol. 51, No. 6, (2000).
- [12] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Amari, Numerical approximation of linear force-free fields in bounded three-dimensional domains, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 31, p. 109--129 (2000).
- [11] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Espaces de Sobolev avec
poids pour l'équation de Laplace dans le demi-espace, C.R.A.S., Série I, T. 328, pp. 221--226 (1999).
- [10] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, On the existence of
non-linear Beltrami fields, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, T. 328, S\'erie I, pp. 437--442 (1999).
- [9] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Y. Maday and T. Amari,
On the linear force-free fields in bounded and unbounded three-dimensional domains, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), Vol. 33, No. 2, p. 359--394 (1999).
- [8] T. Amari, T. Z. Boulmezaoud and Y. Maday, A regularization method for the ill posed Cauchy problem encoutered in the Extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 339, (1998).
- [7] T. Amari and T. Z. Boulmezaoud and Z. Mikic, An iterative method for the reconstruction of the solar magnetic field, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 350, 1051--1059 (1999).
- [6] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Amari and Y. Maday, A method for reconstructing the coronal magnetic field, Compte Rendu du Forum Thémis (1996), Observatoire de Paris-Meudon.
- [5] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Amari, On the removal of the sign ambiguity in the photospheric transverse magnetic field, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 347, 1005-1008 (1999).
- [4] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Sur les champs de Beltrami linéaires dans des domaines tridimensionels, C.R.A.S., Série I, T. 325, S\'erie I, pp. 1235-1240 (1997).
- [3] T. Amari, J.-J. Aly, J.F. Luciani, T. Z. Boulmezaoud,
and Z. Mikic, Reconstructing coronal magnetic field as a Force-free magnetic field, Solar physics 174, pp. 129--149 (1997).
- [2] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, et Y. Maday, Theory and approximation of force-free fields in 3-D domains, Proceedings of ENUMATH, Heidelberg (1997).
- [1] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, T. Amari and Y. Maday,
Two methods for reconstructing the coronal magnetic field as a linear force-free field, JOSO Annual Report 1996.
- [R2] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Défloutage (deblurring) d'images: modèles et algorithmes, Rapport de contrat, société Realeyes 3D, 2010.
- [R1] T. Z. Boulmezaoud, Résolution des équations de transport neutronique dans un réacteur, Rapport de stage de DEA, EDF R & D, Clamart (1995).